Products & Technologies

Andy Petrie: EVEREO® is a real game changer in solving most of contract catering kitchens challenges

3 minutes

The contract catering industry faces a variety of distinctive and unique challenges. These range from providing quality, hot meals to hundreds or even thousands of people simultaneously, to ensuring a fresh, nutritious food supply around the clock.

What makes EVEREO® the perfect commercial equipment for contract catering professionals?

EVEREO® can dramatically change the way in which catering can work but in the commercial foodservice world words are often not enough, professionals need real evidence and that is what we proved to Andy Petrie, Catering Projects Manager for a leading facilities company that provides catering services.

After identifying the specific needs of his client, Andy realised that a standard commercial oven or traditional holding cabinet solution would be inadequate for several reasons. His site needed a solution with an emphasis on flexibility and had to be able to provide a 24-hour foodservice stream that adhered to the legal food safety requirements. A solution which allows them to manage unpredictable customer numbers but also allows the ability of offering an adaptable menu that showcases the client's requirements in providing a robust and flexible meal solution. After careful research and consideration, Andy chose the Unox EVEREO® system.

“Aside from the culinary benefits and the system's ability to hold meals at an extracting standard, the Unox team were also able to demonstrate several other benefits, including dramatic energy, wastage and labour savings – all of which were pivotal in the client’s decision to undertake this system."  - Andy Petrie, Catering Projects Manager

One commercial foodservice equipment, for every catering challenge.

"By serving only what is needed when it is needed, we minimise food waste, energy and labour costs, and maximise sustainability. Given the current climate, it is not only a moral imperative but also a financial one too. " - Andy Petrie - Catering Projects Manager.

One of the most important benefits of EVEREO® is the fact that it safely preserves cooked meals for days at temperatures above 63°C using a combination of extremely accurate temperature and atmosphere controls.

EVEREO® in combination with MULTI.DAY HOT VACUUM PUMP allows ‘hot vacuum’ storage of freshly cooked food in less than 75 seconds and keeps it at the correct serving temperature for up to 3 days without compromising taste and organoleptic properties.

"Each dish is maintained at precisely the right serving temperature over a prolonged period. Unpredictable customer volumes can leave a kitchen either underprepared or, conversely, with surplus inventory. EVEREO®’s capabilities give our site the flexibility to prepare food in larger batches in advance, preserving the freshness, flavour and integrity of a dish until the very moment it is needed." - Andy Petrie - Catering Projects Manager.

Today with 90 EVEREO®’s in operation on the site, Andy's contract catering company is delivering round-the-clock service, holding quality food within legal parameters and achieving ongoing savings.

EVEREO®: The first ever "hot fridge" in foodservice Industry. Want to know more about this cutting edge hot holding and preserving system?

At Unox we are leaders in innovation and this motivated us to look for a solution that could solve many of the problems of large professional kitchens in a completely new way.

It took many years of studies, of experiments, but in the end in collaboration with the prestigious University of Parma we managed to achieve the desired result: creating a piece of equipment that did not exist yet, but which can dramatically change the way commercial kitchens work.

EVEREO® is the first ever "hot fridge", much more than a traditional holding cabinet, a unique piece of equipment that uses a combination of precisely accurate temperature and atmospheric control to preserve cooked food at service temperature for days, all whilst maintaining its organoleptic properties (taste, color, aroma and texture).

Are you curious to know more about It?


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