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<p><strong>Plan. Monitor. Produce.</strong></p>
Unox Kitchen Scheduler

Plan. Monitor. Produce.

A smarter kitchen means higher profitability

Kitchen Scheduler helps you automate and optimise the scheduling process of production lines using Artificial Intelligence to obtain the maximum result for every detail.

A smarter kitchen means higher profitability.

Kitchen Scheduler helps you automate and optimise the scheduling process of production lines using Artificial Intelligence to obtain the maximum result for every detail.

Kitchen Scheduler: Artificial intelligence in the kitchen

Production scheduling process


Planning management

Planning management for each work shift.

✔ Shift calendar

✔ History of past planning, with each status

✔ Creation of specific planning for each shift

Automatic generation

Collection of information for automatic scheduling generation.

✔ Preparation types with descriptions and processing times

✔ Orders with delivery times

DDC Artificial Intelligence

DDC Artificial Intelligence optimises cooking times and distributes orders to maximize the use of all your ovens, helping you to save time and energy.

✔ Plans washing cycles to avoid food contamination

✔ Reduces food handling time and energy waste

Interactive display

Interactive display of the planning.

✔ Programs are assigned to each oven, taking into account food types and expiration dates

✔ Planning is flexible and easily modified

✔ Display allows for quick analysis of critical issues or missed deadlines

DDC services

Cooking programs creation and modification
Online monitoring of consumption
Unox DDC.Coach Artificial Intelligence
Multi-account access management
Unox service remote monitoring
Kitchen scheduler
Priority customer support
REST API access
Sending cooking programmes to the ovens remotely
up to 5 ovens
Ovens connected to Internet
up to 5 ovens
more than 5 ovens
Account activation
free of charge
200,00 €
Annual fee for ovens connected to Internet
free of charge
6,00 €/month
Setup and Kitchen scheduler assistance
3 000,00 €/hour

* for more information write to info@unox.com.

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