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Our environmental impact

How we envision 2030.

Envisioning a net-zero company.

We work day in, day out to build a greener future. Every challenge is easier if you have a well-structured plan to meet it. Our plan has a name: ‘net zero e-miXion 2030’.

Net zero e-miXion 2030.

Our goal is set: to reach net-zero emissions by 2030.
*This target refers to emissions associated with Scope 1 and Scope 2.

10 MW goal

scope 2

We set our goal of producing about 10 MW

per year of electricity from photovoltaics.

Green mobility

scope 1

We are going full electric, replacing our

company fleet and installing charging points.

Green energy

scope 2

We purchase 100% renewable energy when

self-generation does not cover our needs.

Smart buildings

scope 1-2

We work to reduce the environmental impact

of our production processes and factories.


scope 3

We are the professional oven brand with the

most ENERGY STAR®-certified products.

Recyclable packaging

scope 3

We package our products with recycled and

recyclable materials like wood and cardboard.

Green materials

scope 3

We use recycled raw materials and maximize

the recyclability of our products.

Green behaviours

scope 1-2-3

We encourage our employees and customers

to implement sustainable behaviours.

Scope 1
We want to minimize direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from our business assets.
Green mobility
Moving towards a greener mobility.
By 2030 we want to minimize the impact our travels have on the planet. To this end, new charging points will be installed throughout the country and, compatibly with available technology, all our company fleet will be replaced by 100% electric vehicles. If it is not possible to convert the entire fleet, residual emissions will be compensated for with dedicated programs.
Zero-gas goal
Shifting towards low-impact buildings.
With the goal of minimizing the environmental impact of our production processes and the buildings in which we work, we will replace all gas heating technologies with heat pumps by 2030. We are also committed to investing in reducing our consumption by choosing increasingly efficient lighting, air conditioning and insulation systems, as well as raising awareness among our people to use energy responsibly.
Scope 2
We want to minimize indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from purchased power generation, steam, heat and cooling.
100% renewable-energy consumption
Sustainable growth.
A fast-growing company needs a lot of energy. That is why we have decided to invest in the installation of photovoltaic panels and have selected certified suppliers to make sure that from 2024 onward, all the energy that will be used for our production processes will come entirely from renewable sources or will be self-produced by us in a sustainable way.
Photovoltaic panels
The energy we need, sustainably produced.
Production plants
4.4 MW PV production capacity.
The roof of our HQ is already studded with photovoltaic panels, but we want to do more.
Component production & logistic hubs
1 MW PV production capacity.
Each building in our Group contributes to our green strategy.
Energy plants
2 MW PV production capacity.
We gave a brownfield land a new life. Now we have 2 energy plants to help us generate clean energy in Rovigo (Italy).
Production plant in USA
0.65 MW PV production capacity.
When we think about a new project, we want sustainability to be involved. That’s why our new production plant in Charlotte (NC) is covered in photovoltaic panels.
Experience Centers
Additional production capacity.
The number of our Experience Centers around the world is increasing quickly. So is the power they can generate thanks to their photovoltaic panels.
Our estimated energy consumption.

We estimated our expected energy consumption, according with our business plan.

Our planned PV electricity generation.

According with the results we planned our investments on PV panels in order to produce as much green energy as we can.

Our planned energy sourcing.
The remaining energy demand will be fulfilled buying green energy from the grid. In fact, from 2024 we switched all our energy contracts to 100% certified renewable energy.
Watchword: vertical integration
From single components to ready-to-ship ovens. All within 2.5 mi.
As one of our corporate choices, we have always preferred to keep and integrate the manufacturing chain in-house by handling the production of all components and the subsequent assembly of the ovens, all within an area that does not exceed 4 km. Thus, by minimizing incoming logistics and working with self-produced sustainable energy, we will be able to reduce our impact in terms of emissions by 2030.
Scope 3
We work to reduce all indirect emissions that occur in our supply chain, cutting down both upstream and downstream emissions as much as possible.
Life-cycle Analysis (LCA)
We are committed to minimize the impact of our products.
The results of our effort to produce in-house ovens and components and reduce our carbon footprint are evident when looking at our CHEFTOP MIND.Maps PLUS Life-cycle Analysis (LCA). Only 1.05% of our products’ carbon footprint is produced in the stages from raw materials to product distribution. More than 98.95% of the emissions are generated during use phase, so while we continue working on the decarbonisation of our own operations, we need to help our customers achieve a net-zero kitchen.

Envisioning a net-zero kitchen.

Approximately 73% of gas consumption comes from cooking and more than half of the electricity used in restaurants and workshops comes from cooking and refrigeration, essential components that you cannot do without, but which you can manage efficiently with intelligent appliances.

Use phase
How to achieve a net-zero kitchen?

1. Cook

with the oven.

One might believe that using pots, pans, steamers and grills means consuming less, but it’s not the case. Cooking with an oven reduces heat loss, which results in less energy being wasted during cooking processes.

2. Choose an Energy Star® oven.

An Unox Energy Star® oven helps you save up to 38.6% more energy in your kitchen compared to a non-Energy Star® oven.

3. Electric grids are getting greener!
Gas ovens emit CO2. In contrast, electric ovens indirectly produce CO2 depending on the country's energy grid. However, energy generated from renewable sources is expected to exceed that from fossil fuels by 2030 (World Energy Outlook 2022).

4. Go


The carbon footprint of gas ovens remains the same year after year, but for electric ovens, it will improve every year as the electricity generation will become “greener” over time with the addition of cleaner energy sources to the grid.
More than 30 ENERGY STAR®-certified ovens
Why are Unox ovens so efficient?
Thermal insulation.
Using the best insulation materials makes it possible to minimize heat loss from the cooking chamber to the outside. The best cooking performance in every situation.
Motor efficiency.
The motors in our ENERGY STAR® ovens are designed to heat up as little as possible during each cooking process to cut down on energy waste.
Oven intelligence.
Lower water and electricity consumption with every cooking process with an intuitive digital interface and smart technology. Cook efficiently and minimize your environmental impact.
Oven design.
Each oven is designed and engineered so that each individual component is functional to minimize energy waste, heat loss, and CO2 emissions.
Калькулятор потребления CO2
Как печи Unox влияют на окружающую среду и потребление?

Envisioning a zero-waste kitchen.

According to "Feeding America", 40% of food waste comes from restaurants, workshops, grocery shops and food companies. Minimizing these types of waste often seems a difficult task: but what if it were possible to reduce this waste to zero?

Zero-waste kitchen
How can we envision a zero-waste kitchen?
Service time is the most stressful moment in a kitchen, often leading chefs to prepare extra food to avoid running out and getting overwhelmed. According to a LeanPath study, 51% of foodservice waste is due to overproduction. How can we achieve a zero-waste kitchen? By urging customers to embrace Hyperaccelerated Foodservice, meeting high-quality, quick-service expectations.
Hyperaccelerated kitchen efficiency with SPEED-X and EVEREO®.

Dishes with under 30-minute cooking times can be served instantly, while longer-cooking courses can be prepared in advance and safely stored at the correct serving temperature for up to 3 days using the EVEREO® system. This combo allows our customers to revolutionize kitchen processes, hyper-accelerating service, and reducing food waste and kitchen stress.

Envisioning Unox’s future.

Innovation: a purpose, a mindset, a path we dare to take every single day. Manufacturing know-how takes time and space. We want it to be green.

Envisioning Unox’s future
Unox City.

Our commitment to the future is clear.  We are investing 46 million euros to build Unox City: a new manufacturing and logistics hub located in Padua that will serve as an industrial and community center, putting well-being and sustainability at the forefront.

Our investments include:

• A 24 million euro Innovation Hub for offices, R&D, and more.

• A 4 million euro lunch lounge for our team.

• A 9 million euro expansion of our production hub.

Unox's future is about growth, sustainability, and community integration.

Envisioning Unox’s future
Innovation HUB.

Unox Innovation Hub will be an eco-conscious high-tech area of about 20,000 sqm, which we plan to open in late 2023.

Our test center will be upgraded with 20 highly-specialized workstations and labs including the food digitization lab: a research center where we will perfect cooking processes through the analysis of digitized food data to develop technologies that can perfectly control all processes involved in food processing and preservation, reducing food waste due to cooking tests.

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