Products & Technologies

Paul Bates: transforming Hilton Hotel London Metropole’s kitchen operations with EVEREO®

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The world of food preparation in the hotel industry brings with it many unique challenges. Not only professionals have to cater for a regular breakfast, lunch and dinner service, but throw in room service, group events, fine-dining and banqueting; it can be quite the juggling act when it comes to foodservice.  

This is what led Paul Bates, Executive Chef at the Hilton London Metropole hotel, to look at smarter ways of operating in his kitchen. With 1,100 bedrooms, the hotel is the largest Hilton outside of the USA, and houses several restaurants, bars and lounges.

What makes EVEREO® the perfect commercial equipment to optimise hotel dining and banqueting?

The EVEREO® safely preserves cooked meals for days at temperatures above 63°C using a combination of extremely accurate temperature and atmosphere controls.

As Paul was able to see for himself, the EVEREO® can be a great helping-hand for a hotel when it comes to food preparation and speed of service. By allowing kitchen staff to work in advance and have food ready for every request, including room service, EVEREO® can promote a more organised and stress-free environment, transforming kitchen operations and effectively facing these unique and important challenges in hotels.

"We are able to have the early shift preparing stuff for the event, which can sometimes be up to 2,000 people in the banqueting department. We can prepare well in advance. We put the food into the EVEREO® and it holds it absolutely beautifully. I think the most unique thing about the EVEREO® is actually the quality it holds the product at for the period of time." - Paul Bates, Executive Chef at the Hilton London Metropole.

Using the MULTI.Day Hot Vacuum pump in conjunction with the EVEREO® enables hotel kitchen staff to prepare food in advance and store it at the optimal serving temperature for up to three days. Not only is the taste not compromised but, the organoleptic properties are also preserved. This feature is ideal for addressing critical points for hotels such as room service and catering to diverse guest needs.

For example, if a customer asks for room service in the middle of the night, anyone can handle the request, even if the chef or kitchen staff is not present. With EVEREO® the service time will be equal to the time it takes to plate the food already at the correct temperature and serve it in the room.

From the moment it is cooked, to the moment in which it is served, food does not undergo any alteration and keeps its internal temperature uniform.

"We did an experiment: I had a couple of chicken thighs, and we held them in the EVEREO® for 8 hours. When we opened it and tasted the product, it was just the same as it would have been if we had just cooked it." - Paul Bates, Executive Chef at the Hilton London Metropole.

A more energy-efficient hotel kitchen

As well as holding food safely and cutting down on service time, the EVEREO® also brings energy savings to hotel kitchens. It utilises the most modern insulation technologies to avoid losing heat and operates with a lower consumption rate than a freezer.

"And the other advantage is, of course, the energy saving. Low energy, only using a 13-amp plug is absolutely brilliant. We are very, very concerned about the environment. These are all things that come together to help with our carbon footprint and as I say, for a hotel of this size, is a major advantage." - Paul Bates, Executive Chef at the Hilton London Metropole.

EVEREO®: The perfect hot holding solution for facing the most common challenges of the hotel and resorts industry. Want to know more about this cutting-edge hot holding and preserving system?

EVEREO® is not only the most effective way to preserve food but also the safest, as proven by its HACCP International certification. Thanks to its impeccable temperature and humidity control, EVEREO® can maintain the organoleptic properties of food for days and eliminate bacterial growth by keeping food hot at temperatures above 63°C. This is why this cutting-edge technology can make a real difference in commercial kitchens and allow professionals not only to dramatically reduce wait times and organise in advance, but also provide customers with high-quality food while doing it.

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