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Individual Cooking Experience
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Hyperaccelerated Foodservice
The era of hyperaccelerated foodservice.
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Profesionální konvektomat Unox

UNOX Commercial Ovens

In a kitchen, laboratory, pastry shop, or gastronomy, having a commercial oven plays a crucial role both in the success of dishes and in adopting a more productive working method that increases quality and profit. Convection oven, convection oven with humidity, combi oven, or speed oven: which industrial oven to choose?

The convection oven is equipped with one or more fans (hence also called ventilated) and uses hot air circulating inside it to cook food. Thanks to the convection motion, heat is evenly distributed in the air, resulting in uniform cooking of the food. A convection oven is suitable for baking frozen bakery or pastry products or for cooking simple products such as shortcrust pastry, which does not require particular climatic conditions during the cooking process.

The convection oven with humidity has the same characteristics as a ventilated oven but with the addition of steam. In this case, the elements we control are: time, temperature, airspeed, and humidity.

The difference between a commercial convection oven with humidity and a commercial combi (or trivalent) oven is that the former is designed for very simple cooking like those explained above but with the advantage of being able to manage the addition of steam percentages to accelerate the cooking process or to expand the range of products that can be cooked.

For example? If I have to bake a fresh croissant that requires precise percentages of humidity during the first part of the cooking, surely the first choice falls on a convection oven with humidity. However, these ovens are not designed to handle cooking processes with maximum humidity percentages like steam cooking. A commercial convection oven with humidity is suitable for bakery and even fresh pastry, but it may have some limitations in cooking some types of bread or bakery products, for which a combi oven is necessary, which is able to saturate the cooking chamber with steam in a few seconds.

The combi (or trivalent) oven is the ultimate expression of a commercial oven. It is an oven that, in addition to distributing heat through airflows, adds another fundamental element for cooking: steam. It is designed to cover all the climatic conditions necessary to complete a cooking process: from steam cooking to grilling. A professional combi oven can cook anything. And it is designed to withstand any condition. With a commercial combi oven, you can choose the percentage of humidity you want to insert inside the cooking chamber. Smart UNOX combi ovens, thanks to special technologies, can automatically recognize the amount of food being baked, its characteristics, and the climatic conditions in which to operate, automatically adjusting the settings to always guarantee the perfect result in any condition.

The speed oven is an oven that uses the combination of microwave and hot air to cook or regenerate food. Microwaves act directly on the water contained in the food, creating heat from the inside. The hot air, on the other hand, heats the outside of the food. The combination of the two ensures incredibly fast cooking times and even more incredible regeneration times. Due to the lack of humidity management and self-cleaning, these ovens have always been used for very simple cooking that creates little mess or for the regeneration of cooked food, sandwiches, and snacks.

The speed combined oven is a commercial oven that represents an evolution of simple speed ovens. It is an oven that combines all the characteristics of a combi oven (such as the ability to perform infinite cooking techniques) with those of a speed oven.

Commercial ovens can be electric or gas, manual or digital. The manual oven is the one with the classic knobs. It is very intuitive and suitable for simple cooking. The digital one, on the other hand, is ideal for more advanced uses and offers the advantage of being able to program, customize, and save recipes.

The ranges of Unox commercial ovens

There are different types of commercial ovens, which should be chosen based on the individual needs of each chef and vary depending on the purpose, the type of use intended, the budget, the types of cooking to be carried out, and the type of business in which one operates. Unox manufactures every type of professional oven to meet the needs of every segment of the food service market.

Commercial convection ovens

Commercial convection ovens with humidity

Commercial combi ovens

Commercial speed ovens

The ranges of convection ovens are LINEMICRO and BAKERLUX SHOP.Pro™ GO.

Among the commercial convection ovens with humidity, we find BAKERLUX SHOP.Pro™ MASTER, TOUCH & LED, and LINEMISS™ and BAKERLUX™. The top-of-the-line products are the commercial combi ovens CHEFTOP-X™, CHEFTOP MIND.Maps™ BIG, CHEFTOP MIND.Maps™ COUNTERTOP, CHEFTOP MIND.Maps™ COMPACT, CHEFLUX™ for restaurants and gastronomy, while for pastry there are BAKERTOP-X™, BAKERTOP MIND.Maps™ BIG, BAKERTOP MIND.Maps™ COUNTERTOP. Also part of the commercial speed oven family are SPEED.Pro™ and SPEED-X™.

SPEED.Pro™ is the world's first oven that combines the features of a commercial convection oven with a commercial speed oven. Compared to a traditional speed oven, SPEED.Pro™ boasts a larger cooking chamber with 3 levels capable of cooking full loads of frozen and fresh pastry and bakery products when used in bake mode. It then transforms into a true speed oven capable of regenerating up to 4 portions of ready meals and snacks quickly when used in speed mode.

SPEED-X™ is the world's first self-cleaning commercial combi speed oven.

It combines all the features of a combi oven, i.e., the ability to perform countless cooking techniques (grilling, frying, dehydrating, browning, vacuum cooking, steam cooking, etc.) even at full load, with those of a speed oven. The combination of steam and microwave also further accelerates cooking processes, achieving unprecedented performance. SPEED-X™ is the world's first oven capable of hyper-accelerated cooking by combining hot air, variable percentages of humidity (from 0 to 100%), and microwaves.

Why choose a self-washing commercial oven?

Cleaning your oven daily can be a daunting task, but it's a necessary activity to avoid malfunctions, food contamination during cooking, and to ensure the efficiency of your appliance while meeting the hygiene standards of a commercial kitchen. It's not always easy to understand the level of dirt in the cooking chamber and choose the most suitable cleaning program. That's why Unox has developed an innovative self-cleaning commercial oven that, thanks to very precise sensors, checks the amount of accumulated dirt and selects the most efficient washing program in each situation, avoiding waste of water and detergent. UNOX ovens are intelligent self-cleaning ovens.

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