
Commercial ovens for hotels

The cutting edge of professional ovens to satisfy every customer
Why choose Unox?
The world of the hotels brings with it many challenges: from the most elaborate preparations to express recipes. Passing through the regulation-compliant conservation of food, ensuring the highest quality of service and minimizing waste can be very complicated indeed. Adopt professional tools at the forefront of the market allow you to achieve concrete advantages in terms of consumption, time and work processes.
Smart technology to boost energy and water savings.
Maximum control of each cooking process.
Maximum flexibility to meet each customer's need.
Top-notch and tailor-made professional assistance.
Ready to boost your business?
Get in touch with our consultants.
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Cooking up excellence!
Raw Kitchen

✔ Large and medium production

Storing at Service Temperature

Standardized processes

✔ Energy saving

Flexible menu

    The sweet taste of perfection
    Pastry Kitchen

    ✔ Large and medium production

    Uniform cooking results

    Standardized processes

    ✔ Energy saving

    Flexible menu

    Good “taste” starts in the morning!
    Breakfast Lobby

    Regeneration of "fast" products without losing quality

    Combined menu from sweet and savory recipes

    Less space used for equipment

    Consistent results even with lower skilled staff

    The certainty of satisfying every palate
    Fine Dining

    ✔ Medium or small production

    ✔ Programs and customized cooking

    Extensive and versatile menu

    Compact dimensions without sacrificing performance

    Storage at Service Temperature

    High quality and performance, even outside the kitchen
    Room service, Event group & Catering

    ✔ Maximum reduction of food waste

    Consistent results even with lower skilled staff

    Mobile equipment, easy to move

    Quick service

    Hot dishes on each floor

    Each preparation is always “TOP’’ level
    Rooftop Bar

    Compact dimensions without sacrificing performance

    Absence of fumes and unpleasant odors in the kitchen

    Keeping dishes hot and not regenerated

    Speed of service

    Versatility of menus

    Trust those who know us
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    Souhlasím se zpracováním mých osobních údajů, abych mohl prostřednictvím telefonu nebo e-mailu dostávat obchodní sdělení, novinky, aktualizace nebo pozvánky týkající se událostí, průzkumu spokojenosti atd. Toto zaškrtávací políčko je nutné pro odběr newsletteru.