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AI and Automation Engineer

Position: AI and Automation Engineer

Working area: Ricerca e Sviluppo

Workplace: UNOX HQ, Cadoneghe (PD)



Bachelor’s degree or higher physics, mathematics or engineering.


• Proficient in programming languages such as Python, C++, Java, etc. and familiar with AI and automation frameworks and tools such as TensorFlow, OpenCV, ROS, etc;

• Creative problem-solving skills and ability to work independently or in a team;

• Excellent communication skills and attention to detail.

Work experiences:

• not required

Main activities

• Research and implement state-of-the-art AI and automation technologies, such as computer vision, machine learning, robotics, etc;

• Develop and maintain software applications and frameworks that integrate AI and automation functionalities with our existing systems and platforms;

• Collaborate with product managers, engineers, chefs, and customers to understand their needs and requirements and provide optimal solutions;

• Test the functions developed in the lab;

• Troubleshoot and debug issues related to AI and automation systems and ensure their reliability and scalability;

• Document and present your work to internal and external stakeholders and provide technical support when needed.

Unox offering

• A training programme dedicated to the acquisition of skills and competences;

• The opportunity to be part of a fast-growing, multinational company;

• The chance to build a brilliant career in Italy or abroad;

• We are a Great Place to Work® and EQUAL-SALARY certified company, an inclusive environment where talent and results are rewarded first and foremost.

*The job position is open to candidates of all genders and gender identities, in accordance with the current regulations on equal opportunities.

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