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Double win for UNOX AI-powered combi oven CHEFTOP-X™ at the Red Dot Design Award 2024

2 minuty

Innovation, AI and a sleek, modern design made our combi oven CHEFTOP-X™ stand out among thousand products developed by brilliant designers all over the world.

About the Red Dot Design Award

The Red Dot Design Award is one of the most renowned industrial design competitions worldwide. Its label represents an unmistakable mark of quality for good design.

It is only the year’s best products to get the chance of getting this extremely sought-after award. We are proud to announce that the Red Dot Jury was won over not only by the modern design of our newest oven, but also by its ground-breaking machine learning abilities. So much so that our product was awarded two prizes – the Red Dot Winner 2024 and the Red Dot Winner 2024 - Innovative Product. In the words of the jury:

"The intelligent combi oven CHEFTOP-X™ impresses with AI-supported cooking technology and a remarkable energy efficiency.

unox product design team at the red dot design award 2024

What are the standout features of the combi oven CHEFTOP-X™?

CHEFTOP-X™ is a high-performance combi oven that redefines the interaction between chef and oven. Machine learning is the key of CHEFTOP-X™ success at this year’s Red Dot Design Awards. With the help of the AI-powered OPTIC.Cooking sensor, the oven recognizes food and automatically starts the appropriate cooking program, which is adjusted after each cycle based on the chef’s feedback. This ensures consistent results and streamlines the workflow in professional kitchens, even those with unskilled staff.

Additionally, with the advanced Digital.ID™ operating system and the Digital.ID app, the oven also offers features such as video calling and voice and remote control. Finally, it is capable of automate energy and water saving to reduce its environmental impact, an unmissable function for a truly smart product nowadays.

commercial oven CHEFTOP-X™ with OPTIC.Cooking at red dot design award 2024

Innovation is our tradition

Our commitment to innovation doesn’t stop here with this outstanding product and recognition received during the Red Dot Design Award 2024. We are already working and studying the latest hi-tech trends to go beyond this achievement and propel the evolution of the foodservice industry once more. Our research for bright design solutions is relentless.

Want to learn more about the ground-breaking performance of our CHEFTOP-X™?


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