Produkte und Technologien

CHEFTOP MIND.Maps™ ZERO: it has everything you need.

2 minuten

ZERO as in "Zero Trimming”: a combined oven that was created to answer the needs of that segment of the market which is particularly attentive to the price, has no pretensions of cutting-edge technologies, but expects reliability and practicality. An oven that features everything that is essential and nothing that is superfluous. Simple to use, solid and efficient. An oven that can give great satisfaction at a really small price and that enriches the MIND.Maps™ range: the most complete one available on the world market today.


Let’s mention a few technical details of the new CHEFTOP MIND.Maps™ ZERO: a resistant stainless steel cooking chamber, symmetrical fans that distribute the air evenly over each baking pan, the direct expulsion chimney that allows a total extraction of humidity, a double glass that guarantees a high safety level. It is easy to imagine it: just think of the structure (body) of the MIND.Maps™ ONE, the power (muscles) of the MIND.Maps™ PLUS and the electronics (mind) of the BAKERLUX SHOP.Pro™ LED.

The latest addition to the Unox range has some features in common with other UNOX ovens: the DRY.Plus technology, that removes humidity from the baking chamber, the STEAM.Plus technology, that allows you to instantly create humidity starting from 90°C and the AIR.Plus technology, that guarantees perfect air and heat distribution within the baking chamber. It is not equipped with important features such as the self-washing system or the internet connection available in CHEFTOP MIND.Maps™ Plus and One. But it focuses on cooking, guaranteeing the same uniformity and precision that distinguish all the ovens that UNOX proudly studies, designs, produces, demonstrates, sells and ships!

It is also a perfect oven for steaming. Any examples? A full load of rice in 26 minutes. A full load of steamed potatoes in just 28 minutes. The new CHEFTOP MIND.Maps™ ZERO is a powerful ally for the most common cooking processes: frozen products, roasted and fried food and much more.

CHEFTOP MIND.Maps™ ZERO reflects the "minimum expenditure, maximum yield” concept and therefore represents the essence of the combi oven in its entirety.

This is how Unox marshals to conquer success. 


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