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Corporate Chef Indonesia

Position: Corporate Chef Indonesia

Working area: Corporate Chef

Workplace: Indonesia



not required


• Proficiency in English;

• Inclination towards communication and building relationships with the public: The Corporate Chef is required to convey knowledge in a clear and comprehensive manner, using correct terminology and instilling passion for both cooking and the brand;

• Ability to manage demonstrations in the company, at retailers/importers, and during trade fairs;

• Management of cooking tests to assess products;

• Flexibility and availability for business trips and exhibitions abroad

Work experiences:

• Previous experience or skills as a chef/cook;

Main activities

• Welcoming visitors at the Company's office;

• Preparation and service of lunches and buffets during internal events organized by UNOX for its customers;

• Organization and hosting of events aimed at promoting products (including those held in collaboration with importers, distributors, and wholesalers of hotel equipment);

• Conduction of any post-sales consultancy days on the use of products.

Unox offering

• Initial training and education;

• Long-term perspectives and opportunities for professional development;

• Possibility to join a structured and international organization;

• The opportunity to showcase one's abilities and build a successful career;

• Opportunities to be part of a dynamic, highly technological, and cutting-edge environment

*The job position is open to candidates of all genders and gender identities, in accordance with the current regulations on equal opportunities.

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