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Our governance

How we oversee our actions.

Organizing a better future.

Our governance framework is designed to ensure that we operate in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, as well as our own high standard of ethical behavior.

Corporate Governance
Board of Directors.
Our Board of Directors consists of 3 people, all members of the shareholding family, who have the roles of President, CEO and COO.
Corporate Governance
Strategic Committee.
The Strategic Committee is comprised of the members of the Board of Directors and 3 independent high-profile individuals who have the role of advising on strategic choices and their execution.
Corporate Governance
Executive Team.
The operative aspects are delegated to the Executive Team, which is coordinated by the CEO and is composed by the 3 members of the Board of Directors and 14 executives who have the complete responsibility for the execution of the strategy and operational processes.
Corporate Governance
Diversity among the Executive Team.
Our strategic sustainability goals are part of the responsibilities of every governance body within the Group, including the Board of Directors and the Executives Team. In addition, an ESG Manager with responsibility over all the companies of the gruop has been nominated to constantly oversee the ESG issues that involve us.

We invest to create the leadership of tomorrow.

Unox is a meritocratic company where people are selected to obtain a promotion and join the executive team only on the basis of their skills, competences and performance. Gender, age, or other discriminatory elements have no value for us.

Internal promotion percentage
Executive Team.
As 75% of our leadership is promoted from within Unox, our people are surrounded by examples of successful career paths.
Discover our training path.
Our principles and values.
Fundamental principles
We hold ourselves to the highest standards of integrity, and expect everyone we deal with to do the same, in compliance with our standards.
We honour the commitments we've made and hold ourselves accountable for all our actions.
We commit 100% to everything we do. Our actions are guided by continual improvement, encouraging others to do the same.

Code of Conduct.

In implementing the essential principles referred to above, and in particular business ethics, we require our directors, employees, collaborators and any other third party with whom we deal, to strictly comply with the guidelines contained in the Code of Conduct.

Our Whistleblowing Policy.
The Unox Group Whistleblowing Procedure provides an internal channel through which an employee, collaborator or professional may report any wrongdoing of which he or she has become aware by virtue of the employment or collaboration relationship. This tool ensures anonymous reporting and a rapid assessment and response by our company when necessary. However, this does not interfere with the legal right to contact the competent authorities.
Whistleblowing System
How to report a misconduct.
If you wish to remain anonymous, you can click on the report button below.
Whistleblowing System
How is the report processed?
Once the report has been submitted, an ID number will be assigned to the Whistleblower to consult the activities carried out by the Company. Our Whistleblowing Committee will be notified of the report and will proceed with the assessment and handling of the specific case. At the end of the investigation phase, the corrective actions required by the type of report will be implemented.
ISO 14001
Download here
ISO 45001
Download here
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