Produkte und Technologien

5 Aspekte, die beim Kauf eines Speedofens zu beachten sind

3 minuten

We live in an age in which any piece of professional equipment used in the kitchen must deal with the technological progress that aims at improving production processes. Guarantee repeatable, standard and high-level results, facilitate the staff work and, if possible, limit expenses: these are the most common needs in the food industry world and meeting all of them at the same time may seem unrealistic. Or maybe not?

A professional combi oven, i.e. an oven that can cook food under different climate conditions regardless of the temperature used, offers the possibility of succeeding in this task. Let’s have a look at 5 good reasons to buy a professional combi oven.

A commercial combi oven: your business’ secret ingredient.

1 - It can be used for many different purposes, almost everything.

A combi oven is not only an oven, but a multipurpose cooking station. Drying, sous-vide cooking, steaming, roasting at high or low temperature, stewing and regenerations. Not to mention the pastry and bakery world!

With a combi oven you can have complete control of the percentage of steam in the cooking chamber, to recreate the same heat and humidity conditions of pots, grills and fryers. It is a real source of ideas and creativity.


2 - It makes you earn time and energy!

Thanks to the most recent technologies, UNOX professional combi ovens are smart, since they can limit any heat loss at every opening of the door, manage the heating elements to use only those which are necessary for a particular kind of cooking, produce only the necessary steam amount, and so on. With all these features, it is easy to understand that a combi oven will make you save time, manpower, space and energy. Oh, it is also equipped with a fully automatic self-washing system and you can schedule the washing date and time. Do we need to add anything more?


3 - It is not a risky purchase: first you try it, then you buy it!

If I don’t try, I won’t believe it: this can be your new mantra. With UNOX you will not just see the oven, but you can try it. Free of charge. In your kitchen. With your ingredients. One of our Active Marketing Chefs will be with you step by step: from the cooking test, to the installation and the training. It may be speltIndividual Cooking Experience, but it is pronounced choice based on solid certainties.


4 - It is connected to the internet and has a 4-year* warranty

UNOX combi ovens collect usage data and process information to help you get a faster Return On Investment. Register free of charge on Data Driven Cooking (DDC) and, thanks to the Artificial intelligence, you will receive reports about the oven status and usage on your smartphone. Moreover, you can see and take cue from hundreds of recipes created by UNOX or choose among the new ones shared by the community. Lastly, the internet connection allows you to extend the warranty on spare parts up to 4 years or 10,000 running hours.


5 - It is beautiful and smart... A perfect partner!

An elegant glass, solid and shiny steel, clean lines, touch screen control panel, chamber lightning through LED bars: all these features make the UNOX oven a real furnishing accessory. Not only is it beautiful, but it is also smart! It makes use of innovative technologies such as ADAPTIVE.Cooking to automatically adapt the cooking program according to the food load thanks to complicated algorithms, and CLIMALUX that automatically activates steam production or evacuation to ensure always perfect cooking results.

Still having doubts? Try your next professional combi oven at once on

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