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Produkte und Technologien

MULTI.Day Hot Vacuum: the vacuum revolution is here

2 minuten

The first vacuum pump capable of vacuuming hot food in the same MULTI.Day Trays in which it has been cooked.

MULTI.Day Hot Vacuum

Today’s foodservice industry is going through tough times, so it is crucial to rethink processes: besides making businesses more time efficient and reducing labour, it is essential to avoid losing opportunities and, at the same time, create new ones.

After EVEREO®, the hot fridge that allows you to preserve cooked meals at the temperature you will serve them, saving their quality and consistency up to 72 hours, now it is the turn of MULTI.Day Hot Vacuum, the High Temperature vacuum sealing machine. It is the only machine available on the market that is capable of vacuuming hot food inside the MULTI.Day Trays used for cooking it. These special trays are the only ones that can withstand the hot vacuum process without deformations and guarantee the vacuum condition for days, allowing food to be preserved in EVEREO® for hours and days without changes and alterations in taste, colour and flavour.

The combination of MULTI.Day Hot Vacuum and EVEREO® sets a new Cook&Hold frontier that guarantees high quality, hygiene, safety and savoury hot meals, ready to be served, by preserving them at service temperature for up to 3 days.

MULTI.Day Hot Vacuum, together with EVEREO®, is a perfect solution for many businesses such as professional kitchens, catering services and cooking centres that can count on a brand-new equipment that guarantees fast service, a broad selection of food and rapid responses. Vacuum-storing hot meals and preserving them in EVEREO® for days means that there is no need to chill and regenerate food before service. Vacuum sealing large quantities of food while still hot and storing them for days in EVEREO® is a real revolution. In a nutshell, it means avoiding the need to chill food and then regenerate it before service. In operational terms, it means cutting costs and increasing profitability.

In addition to this, the combination of EVEREO® and MULTI.Day Hot Vacuum allows you to have control on all the production steps and be certain of the hygiene level in the supply chain as the trays can be transported anywhere without the risk of liquid spillage or contamination from outside.

A new way of conceiving the foodservice industry, in which innovation and efficiency overturn the traditional modus operandi, adding value and improving the service.



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